Book 2 – Chapter 9 - Soul / Will - False Will – Excerpt 2-7

Real, False and Explaining Emotions
(Copied from book 1) There’s massive confusion when it comes to emotional healing, and one of the biggest areas of confusion and ignorance is in what we believe is real emotional expression. Besides denying and suppressing our feelings and emotions, people have also been told, and believe, that if they talk about their feelings and emotions, that they will heal them, and while that's a truth, it's only a part-truth. Some people have been expressing and releasing emotions for years, but they are still being triggered and activated, and still expressing and releasing the same emotions. They keep going in circles and don't know why they can't heal their emotions and issues. This cycling only serves to further imprint their Mind, telling themselves that expressing emotions doesn't work or heal, and so they eventually look for other alternatives, or they just quit and give up.
In the course of my journey, I’ve discovered that the biggest fallacy and also the biggest obstacle to real healing is that we honestly, in our ignorance, believe that we’re feeling and expressing our real emotions when in fact, what we are doing is either explaining or expressing false emotions. And until we can separate the real, from the false and explaining, healing is impossible. There are three basic kinds of emotional expression and while they’re all related, they are not one and the same.
(1) False emotions
(2) Explaining emotions
(3) Real emotions
(1) False emotions:
From personal experience, false emotions feel very real in the moment that you’re feeling them, and that’s what’s confusing people and not allowing them to move to express and heal their real emotions. When the Mind is activated into its denied issues that are imprinted and programmed in its subconscious, it also triggers the imprinting that is buried in the Will’s subconscious that reacts and responds with false emotions that are in agreement with the Minds beliefs and judgments that it was imprinted with. Both the Mind and the Will are reacting to their individual subconscious imprinting and programming that blindly sees the situation as being the same as the original traumatic experience. This information is then relayed to the conscious Mind that believes and feels the false emotions, that reinforces its imprinted beliefs that this situation is very real and threatening, while in reality, the situation is not the same as the original and may not even be threatening at all. The conscious Mind is confused, and in its panic, isn’t able to separate the subconscious imprints from reality and can't see the situation for what it really is. In other words, it can't see the tree for the forest. It’s at this point that the person is activated into their fight, flight or give up mode.
An example of false emotions would be when a person sees another person with a knife and they are activated into their fight, run or give up mode. They sincerely believe that the present situation is real and life threatening and the emotions of fear and terror are very real and agree with the judgment that the Mind has made. However, upon further examination, there is no danger, but what happened is that seeing the knife brought up old denied issues related to knives.
(2) Explaining emotions:People are also confused as to what expressing real emotions are, as they believe that if they’re expressing their judgments, opinions, and feelings about a pleasant or unpleasant experience, that they’re automatically expressing their real feelings and emotions. They believe that talking about their emotions and telling others what happened to them is the same as expressing their real emotions. When people are explaining their emotions, it’s more like they’re telling a story and acting out their feelings and emotions. While they may have tears in their eyes as they explain their heartbreak, or stomp their feet and wave their arms when they are expressing panic or anger, all these emotions are after the fact as they are not expressed during the actual experience or during a activation. This story telling and acting out is what I call explaining emotions. A good example of explaining emotions that is considered therapeutic, is when a person goes to see a psychiatrist or psychologist at a scheduled time for their one hour session, and tells them what they feel.
(3) Real emotions:Real emotions are those emotions that are happening and being expressed in the now, in the present moment, and in response to a particular experience that is either pleasant or unpleasant. For example, if a child is being bullied by another child and it expresses what it is really feeling in the moment, that it is being attacked and that it wants the attack to stop, the child is expressing its real feelings and emotions. If the attacker doesn’t stop, the child then expresses its anger and will do whatever it can to protect itself from further abuse. Note the keyword is protect, not attack. In this example, there is no denial present and the situation will have a positive outcome. The child is no longer threatened, nor is it a potential victim of the bully as a clear line has been drawn.
Now if the same child had denied expressing itself, its denials would have been reflected to it and it would have been attacked and overpowered by the bully. Besides taking the physical abuse, it would also had taken in or accepted the unloving mental and emotional energy of the attacker, that would then be added to its own unloving denial energy that was directed at the part of itself that wanted the abuse to stop, but was denied expression and rejected. In addition, taking in the unloving energy of the attacker forms an attachment that will need to be released if healing is to occur. As a result of the shock and trauma and the child’s denials, a fragment was created that was then placed outside the child’s energy field where it would remain until it was healed. Not only that, the child is now imprinted and programmed and has set itself up to be a victim, not only for this bully experience, but for future experiences that will be re-occurring until the issue is healed. To heal this denied lost Will fragment, the child, a now older person that has intent to heal their issues, needs to journey back to that childhood experience and re-live it, and this time, they need to express all the REAL emotions that were originally felt, but were denied expression. A personal example of expressing real emotions can be found in Chapter 22 – Healing level 3 of this book.
Most emotional expression is either explaining or false Will that is aligned and in agreement with the Minds judgments and beliefs. When the Minds beliefs and judgments are expressed, they feel like the truth, and when the false emotions are being expressed, they feel very real to the person that is expressing them. They also feel real to anyone that is listening to them, but only because they are in denial of expressing what they really feel for any number of reasons. It’s just like when a charismatic person is expressing their political or religious judgments and beliefs. The only people that believe and agree with them are the ones that have strong emotional ties to the message being delivered and will enthusiastically and whole heartily echo agreement and support. As first glance, it would appear that all are expressing their real feelings and emotions, but when you dig deeper, you begin to see the falseness that is being expressed. While they appear to be joined in solidarity and commonality, all that they really have in common are their judgments, beliefs, false Will, and of course, denials.