
Book 1 - Chapter 5 – Visualization Journeys - Excerpt 1-2

About Visualizations

While a non-denial meditation and a visualization are similar in many ways, there is a major difference. In a non-denial meditation, one is usually only guided to the point of relaxing the Body and calming the Mind, and any thoughts, feelings, and imagery after that point are spontaneous for the person doing the meditation. In a visualization journey, one is not only guided through the relaxing process, but throughout the journey as well. While the basic journey is guided from start to finish, it also allows the person doing the journey to have spontaneous thoughts, feelings, and imagery. Non-denial based meditation and visualizations form the basis for all the other journeys or “tools” that I’ll be sharing, and they can easily be modified to enable you to virtually explore anything you desire.

After experiencing how to relax your Body and still your Mind in a meditation, the next step is a guided visualization. In a visualization, you are making the conscious intent to leave your physical Body and that is where a major shift in consciousness takes place. Once you have reached you place of centre, you will be leaving your Body and journeying through space and time. You will notice that I use the “blue mist” technique when making the transition from the physical Body to the astral realm. I use the color blue; as that’s what most people see, but when guiding another, allow them the option to see any color or not to see anything, but to simply feel that they are in a mist. The blue mist is also used for the transition back into the physical Body when returning from their journey.

Your visualization journey can be anything from a walk along a beach, to going for a swim in the ocean and then diving under the water to explore a cave to find a treasure chest, and maybe retrieve a special gift. You could also visualize a walk in the woods or jungle, strolling beside a river or a stream and then dipping through a waterfall and exploring a crystal lit cave. On another journey, you might go to a hill top sanctuary where you enter and explore different rooms, or climb up or down steps to different levels. Another unique journey is to visualize yourself laying on a beach or floating on the water, and then to allow yourself to move out of that Body, attached by a silver chord, to fly off to an island mountaintop or a sacred place to do whatever you have to. When you’ve completed that part of the journey, you return to your Body that’s on the beach or floating in the water by way of the silver cord. You then move back to the blue mist that is outside your present Body, and then back into your present Body. There are no limits to what you can explore and experience.

As previously mentioned, a quick way to experience a guided visualization is through borrowing or purchasing one of literally hundreds of pre-recorded guided visualization audio tapes or CD’s that are available, or even downloading one off the internet. The down side to a pre-recorded tape or CD visualization, is that it’s always the same journey but, having said that, you can have a different experience each time you listen to it. A better option is to have a friend assist you on your journey where both of you can get involved in what is being experienced. Your friend can also guide you into areas that are important for you to explore for your healing intent. Whatever the journey, be aware of what you see, hear, and especially feel, and if you are doing it with a friend that is guiding you, allow yourself to share your experiences, express your emotions, or to ask any questions you may have during your journey.

When doing a visualization journey, I highly recommend that you have a partner guide you that is on the same path as you, and has the same intent to heal as you do, so that you can assist and guide one another on your journeys. I have to add that no journey is ever only for the benefit of the person doing the journey, as the person assisting and doing the guiding will also become involved in the journey. The lesson or experience for the one doing the guiding or facilitating is to allow yourself to be open, to feel and sense what the other person is feeling and expressing, as well as allowing yourself to feel and express your own intuition, feelings and emotions. As a facilitator, by allowing yourself to express what you’re feeling and picking up from the person doing the journey, you’ll assist in triggering the person into acknowledging what they’re feeling, but may be denying expressing, as they may feel that it’s just their imagination or that it’s not important and so on. If you do feel you need to share what you’re experiencing, then do so by making a special note that this is what you’re picking up, and that it is something that you feel you need to share. The more journeys you do and help guide others, the more open you become as your intuition begins to surface and you get reinforcements from the other person that your intuition was correct. If on their journey they begin to talk and share their experiences or express their emotions with you, allow them to do so, it’s their journey. You may find in some cases that they’re actually directing their own journey and you’re the witness, but you may also be called upon or become a participant at any time. Also, just because the person you’re guiding has a particular issue, don’t be fooled into thinking that you don’t have any involvement with the same issue, because if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be there, and it wouldn’t be coming up for you to witness and to feel.

The blue mist that I mentioned is a common point of reference when doing a visualization or any of the other journeys. The more journeys you do, the quicker you can get yourself into and out of the mist as you develop your own unique techniques based on your previous experiences. If you’re guiding someone, and especially in a group setting, try not to use specific details like colors or types of animals or trees, as this will tend to confuse or distract the person on the journey if they’re not seeing what you’re seeing. When facilitating, simply give them options, like a junction in the path, one leading to the left and another to the right and allow them to choose one. They might respond with, “Yes, I see the fork in the road; I’m going to follow the one on the right that’s going up the hill, as that’s where my animal guide, my wolf, is leading me.” If however, you are picking up a wolf on the path, and the person that is doing the journey is unresponsive when you ask them to choose, then by stating that your intuition is picking up that a wolf guide is on the path, you help them eliminate their self-doubt and denial.